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Portal del Militante del Partido Acción Nacional 528,620 -
The New Message from God is a genuine, divine revelation from the creator to humanity. The New Message is not based on any existing religious tradition. 452,712 - 197,375 -
The Movie Scene - movie reviews from cinema, direct to video, DVD, Video, Laser Disc and made for TV. In search of the greatest movie and watching a lot of bad ones finding it. 989,312 -
Visio Optical is one of the best spectacles shops in Singapore. We offer spectacles repair services, repaint, and customized lens shapes. 2,770,137 -
We are an organisation who maintain simple shelters in remote country for the use & benefit of all who love wild & lonely places. 760,276 -
Digital musings from @kegill 4,763,808 - 2,750,617 -
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Leading provider of Online Learning and Risk Management Solutions, as well as Medicare certification systems. Specializing in finance and insurance industries. 577,348 -
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XooKooL is the top online fashion store for women. We offer Bargain Prices and a Large Selection of Women Dresses, Tops, Blouses, Rompers, Jumpsuits, Swimwear, Sportwear, Sunglasses, Shoes, Bags, Jewelry, T-Shirts and Home Accessories. Daily New Arrivals and Deals 396,983 -
Micropreneur Life is a site devoted to micropreneurs, solopreneurs, and freelancers. Here you will find posts and articles to help you succeed in your adventure as a one-man business. 630,791 -
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